Maximize your workout with the Sunny Health & Fitness Doorway Chin-Up Bar. Sturdy, chrome plated steel bar, with a max weight capacity of 220 lb, and non-slip, soft padded hand grips ensure maximum stability and grip. The simplicity of the Sunny Health & Fitness Doorway Chin Up Bar is its strongest asset as it allows you to have full control of your workout. Adjustable length (24.5 to 36 inches) provides a customizable workout area and fits into any standard door frame. It is the ultimate multi-tool workout bar as it is ideal for pull-ups, chin-ups, leg lifts, or you can use it as a foot anchor for sit-ups and crunches. Includes weight bearing brackets for maximum stability during your chin-ups and non-weight bearing brackets for sit-ups; the brackets ensure you are adequately supported during your exercise.